Fast Flux, Double Flux and the Dark Cloud

Fast Flux, Double Flux and the Dark Cloud Here’s more detail from our report about the Dark Cloud fast flux network. The Threat Intelligence team at RiskAnalytics noticed this specific botnet in July 2014, after gathering DNS data to detect and block threats before...

Dark Cloud Network Facilitates Crimeware

Dark Cloud Network Facilitates Crimeware We’ve released a report about a commercially driven fast flux network that is facilitating criminal activity such as malware, spam bots, ransomware, carder sites and more. Executive Summary/Overview The RiskAnalytics Threat...
All for one and one for all: Collective intel and defense

All for one and one for all: Collective intel and defense

All for one and one for all: Collective intel and defense Cybercrime is a collective risk we all share. The idea that an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us may sound esoteric or philosophical, but it will become concrete enough if our critical...
Whaling: The tale of Captain Ahab, cybercriminal

Whaling: The tale of Captain Ahab, cybercriminal

Whaling: The tale of Captain Ahab, cybercriminal har she blows — and all your money goes! Likely to see a rise in 2016, whaling attacks are becoming increasingly popular among today’s cybercriminals. They work by aggressively targeting enterprises under the guise of a...
Fighting back with Principle 9

Fighting back with Principle 9

Fighting back with Principle 9 The NAIC has a set of 12 Principles for Effective Cybersecurity: Insurance Regulatory Guidance. As a long-time partner to a leading cyber insurance pioneer — and as a provider of cyber security workforce training — we are happy that...

Rule of three: Patching, training and least privilege (Part 1)

Rule of three: Patching, training and least privilege (Part 1) This is the first post in a series about three ways to protect your business from cybercrime, all of which are common sense, yet too often overlooked: training, patching and the principle of least...